DEDuino – Q&A page

Hi guys,
I’m still trying to fumble my way around things to be able to answer your questions. I tried Support tickets here. but it doesn’t really work.

Do for now, If you have any questions, you can either comment on this page. Or send me a PM on BMS forums or on ViperPits.


13 replies on “DEDuino – Q&A page”

Fantastic Work!!!
You ROCK !!!

Just a small request:
Is it possible to publish a general block diagram of all boards interconnections?
I’m new to arduino, and I’m thinking that:
– If i’d like to implement only Lights, without DED, PFL,FFI, I guess I’ll have to comment out some code, but what about unnecessary boards?
– If Arduino ONE doesn’t deal well with all displays and lights a once, how could I break things up by using more than one Arduino-ONE board? Or perhaps do everything by using the MEGA model?

Many thanks in advance,
and keep up the good work fellas!

Hi Canon,
The lights are going to be redesigned soon (once I get all the ICs I need to develop the hardware and code)

“All-in-one” should be done with an Arduino Due, not with a MEGA (which is actually 16MHz 8bit with slightly more memory).
Due would be able to handle more load, but will eventually hit the serial connection speed bottle neck (I’ll figure it out when I get there).

As for the PCBs, I’ll try and write something. but in most cases, you’ll need the main board (a future version – not the current one), a main lights board (which wasn’t designed yet) and an expansion board for each gozmo you wish to connect. most (if not all) of the boards you’ll be able to solder on a perf-board, etch or send for fabrication. all depending on what your prefer.


i would like make my ded screen
i have arduino uno
i have er-oledmo28 oled screen
i download your code, upload the code to arduino is ok but there is nothing on the screen. can u give me connection table for oled screen and arduino uno. which pin to where connected
thanks for ur help

your code is working wonderfull with due.
Could you please can u add the speed brake gauge with Adafruit 1.3″ 128*64 OLED SSD1306


SpeedBreaks are planned, However it will take some time, as I have other panels higher in queue 🙂

However, I will get there 🙂

Hi Guy,
First, i want thank you for this great project. You are the one who gave the good reason to build my home cockpit !
I’m building now my DED under you great deduino tools.

I’m using an arduino UNO.
With an OLED Scren buy on I’m using ER-OLEDM028-1.

To test the scrren, i downloaded and installed the library u8glib_arduino_v1.17.
I tested with HelloWorld.ino.
I encountered some problem solved by folowing this thread :

Now everything is fine and when i run HelloWorld.ino. i have an nice yellow “Hello World” on the screen.

My configuration is this one :
U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_2X_GR u8g(13, 11, 10, 9); // SPI Com: SCK = 13, MOSI = 11, CS = 10, A0 = 9

I using the same configuration for the deduino project.
I keep activate only ded in the config.h file.
#ifdef Screens
#define DED_on
// #define FuelFlow_on
// #define PFD_on

I selected arduino at the top :
//#define ARDUINO_DUE

i checked the SPI pin to same as “hellow World” test script.

// Define SPI Pins
#define SCK 13
#define MISO 12
#define MOSI 11
#define SS 10

After that,
i compliled the program and transfert it to the arduino.
I run DEDuino.exe.

The screen keep Hello word, and dont turn black.

I tried to unplug and replug the arduino.
The screen turn black, but stay black even if i run BMS.

Do you have an idea or anything can help me to fix this ?

Than you for reading guy.
Regards !

Please note that the CS for the DED is not pin 10 in the project.
If you look a bit lower in the code, you’ll see the correct A0 and DED_SEL pins to use (IIRC, it’s 9 & 8 – but make sure that is the case).


You saved my life !
Tested ! That work fine !!!
You are the best and don’t let anybody tell you the opposite !!


Could you possible help me?

I don’t get how to wire the small adafruit OLED screen to the Arduino Uno using a breadboard, I tried figure it out using the code.

I connected it like this:
pin 13 -> rst
pin 12 -> cs
pin 11 -> dc
pin 10 -> clk
pin 9 -> data
gnd -> gnd
5v -> vin


Hi Raoul,
Sorry it took me so long to reply.

if you look at the code, you’ll see some fixed pins dedicated in config for certain functions. this allows the best performance, and support in the maximum number of “stuff”.
you can of course change everything to your liking.

In the project I’m using HW SPI which has fixed pins.
on Uno it’s pins 11-13
where you are using only
#define SCK 13
#define MOSI 11

so clk to pin 13
and data to pin 11

in addition you have
#define DISP_A0 9
#define FF_SEL 7

so DC should be on pin 9
and CS to pin 7.

and RST should be tied high (to 5V).

in addition,
you’ll need to uncomment “UNO” in the config.h file.

if you are only using the little screen for the FFI, you might want to comment out the DED and gain some performance boost 🙂


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