Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

“Weekly update” – Nov/Dec 2015

I have been quite for too long ๐Ÿ™‚ with the release of BMS4.33 followed by the Israeli Theater, I’ve had not much time to update the blog. However the Pit has been going places ๐Ÿ™‚

first of all, I’ve replaced by 27″ 1440p display with a 40″ 4k computer monitor. I’m still tweaking graphics options, to get the performance to where I want it.. but it looks good!

I’ve also finally re-wired my pit, and installed the ICP, making things even better ๐Ÿ™‚

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in addition, I’ve been tweaking with the TQS adapter, trying to add a curve to the microstick, allowing better finetuned control in game.

In addition,
I’ve also published on github a little GUI wrapper for avrdude that allows a quick upload of images to ATMEGA 32u4 chips, I use it to quickly upload new FW to the throttle and ICP, but I assume others might find it usefull for other things as well.

Both of them are linked on the download page.

Uri_ba's pit

Standalone Cougar TQS (Throttle) โ€“ Part III

In the last two posts we worked with the hardware and basic code for debugging. In this post we will go over the basic changes done in the actual code.

Everything is already available in the download page.
You can browse the code and download all the stuff you need (including a pre-compiled Hex, ready to be uploaded to your device – incl. a simple script to help with it for those of you who only want it to work :))

Here is a small clip showing how it looks in windows.

Now let’s dig into some technical stuff (only if you want to) ๐Ÿ™‚

Uri_ba's pit

standalone Cougar TQS (Throttle) โ€“ Part II

In the last partย We’ve went over the hardware side of building the DIY TQS adapter.

In this section we will discuss a bit on the firmwareย side, and the problems it creates.

Uri_ba's pit

standalone Cougar TQS (Throttle) – Part I

Preface (29 Aug 2020):
I’ve seenย  lot of traffic to this specific page from makers and Awesome members of the community finding this specific post and running off doing their own projects. So first of all Kudos to you all!
As this project has been completed so long ago, I find it odd people stuck on this specific post and missed all the fun in later posts which discussed the software side.

If you are only here for the food, the source code for all this project is available on my github For all your inspirational needs ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

If you are interested in the in and outs of my struggle with the throttle. keep on reading!ย 

A viper pit without a correct throttle is not fun.
however, Cougar is old, annoying and simply not a WH stick. but there is no replacement for the throttle.

in the long run, I want to build a throttle arm, and have the cougar TQS converted to hall sensor. but between here then there, I have a lot to do. so I’ve decided to opt for the much easier interim solution similar to the RS TUSBA (Throttle USB Adapter) – it’s not as classy, well made, and it’s defiantly not R2 (the final throttle will be closer to the R2). but with some basic work, it’s cost less then 35 Euros the TUSBA R1 currently costs.

In this part I’ll cover just the basic adapter PCB (not the software needed to drive it) – that will be in a future post (once I figure it out).