Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Arduino Due bug and work around

Hi Folks,

Just a quick update, I’ve found a bug that caused the FFI not to work on Arduino Due. The root cause has eluded me, I suspect it’s something to do with the U8GLIB driving the screens. How ever there is a work around for it, I’m thinking about putting up a new version, but the fix is small,

in the DEDuino_arduino.ino line 155 there is a define that calls up the init of the fuelflow display

#ifdef FuelFlow_on

all you need to do is to cut the code and paste it in line 145.
after “initSerial()” and before the DED screen declaration.

That is all 🙂

If you prefer, changes were pushed to the master branch of the project’s github along with the latest u8glib (v1.17)


Uri_ba's pit

DED box – as real as it gets.

I’ve been using a hand built DED box made out of foam board. it was quick to build, and did the job it was intended. holding my DED in place. But then I was pointed towards a post in jSheppard blog, jshep, creator of the PScockpit system, has been using off the shelf plastic box by Hammond, which in a funny coincidence almost exactly in the perfect size to be a DED.

Shep is using the NH 2.8″ LED, I still prefer the ER 2.8″ due to it’s 5V compatibility, but it will not fit into the box due to the PCB side… or will it? (spoiler alert… it does fit ;))

it is a very long post, that will show how to get from this:

Mouser DED box - what you need
Mouser DED box – what you need

To this:

Assembled DED - final test
Assembled DED – final test


Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Weekly Update – 2015/1/5

Hi guys,
there is no update for this week as real-life got in the way.

however, I hopefully do some testing on the DED box and with my Jay-Els as I’ve recived the LEDs if ordered for them (short throw LEDs – should be wide angle compared to the 15 degrees of the simple LEDs)

Happy new year everyone! 🙂