Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

“Weekly update” – Nov/Dec 2015

I have been quite for too long 🙂 with the release of BMS4.33 followed by the Israeli Theater, I’ve had not much time to update the blog. However the Pit has been going places 🙂

first of all, I’ve replaced by 27″ 1440p display with a 40″ 4k computer monitor. I’m still tweaking graphics options, to get the performance to where I want it.. but it looks good!

I’ve also finally re-wired my pit, and installed the ICP, making things even better 🙂

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in addition, I’ve been tweaking with the TQS adapter, trying to add a curve to the microstick, allowing better finetuned control in game.

In addition,
I’ve also published on github a little GUI wrapper for avrdude that allows a quick upload of images to ATMEGA 32u4 chips, I use it to quickly upload new FW to the throttle and ICP, but I assume others might find it usefull for other things as well.

Both of them are linked on the download page.

Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Weekly Update – 2015/07/16

After a long long time, I figured it’s as good as any time to say a little on where I’m going in the near future.

  1. I need a new caution panel to work with I2C, I’m also switching from “source” to “Sink” si I’ll need to rewire the entire caution panel. so i’m in the process of figure out how is the best way to do it (and make it better) – either way, it’s about 8 hours of hand wiring I’m not looking forward for.

  2. once I get the CP done, I’ll need to adjust my DEDuino code, and I’ll be releasing it. the i2c code is already available in the git (1.2.0 – alpha 2). I’m looking forward for 1.2.0

  3. ICP – it’s really, really overdue. it seems that 90% of the time my hand touches the mouse it’s for the ICP.  I have a unique opportunity with the ICP, I’ll update on that when I can.  but it will be another project starring the Arduino Pro-micro and the LUFA library 🙂