Uri_ba's pit

TM grip retention brace

As all FCC (and I assume RSSB users too) are aware, the way Thrustmaster are interfacing the grip to the base will cause, over time, and increasing amount of play in the grip. To solve this some solutions have been suggested by the community, from 3d printed braces to just sticking LEGO blocks between the grip and the locking screw. However, all those solutions work for the stock straight grip. However, If you have a 13 degrees adapter for the stick.. good luck with those.

So I’ve decided to try and model something for myself. I went with a press fit, no screws or any other fancy hardware.

it fits snugly under grip and reduces the play considerably. it does not eliminate play completely, but does an awesome job .

And to top it all off… I’ve uploaded the files to Thingiverse, so if you want it just grab it 🙂 please note that it’s licensed under CC-Share alike. 

And for the giggles, a short before and after clip.. abd yes, the brace literally installs in 3 seconds.

Uri_ba's pit

Road to FCC, Part V – Deciding on a feature list

Well, now that we had covered the  bases and we can actually “talk” with the hardware, it’s time to start designing the User experience.  Or in other terms, I want to go from a “joystick” to a “product”.

in this post I’ll try and go over some of my ideas and howto overcome some of the difficulties involved.

Uri_ba's pit

Modding the TM Warthog with Ribbs Cougar tailpiece adapter

It has been a very long time since the last post. I had too many real world issues that I’ve barely touched the pit. however, sometime in late May I’ve got the Ribbs Cougar tail adapter for my WH stick.

it’s just the standard adapter – that fits both sticks (WH and cougar) and places the SSC in it’s correct forward 13 degrees forward position. naturally it is ment for Force modded sticks (FCC/FSSB) but it also improved the holding angle for the moving stick.

I know this is not perfect – but you can clearly see the angle change on the stick.

WH stick before and after the mod
WH stick before and after the mod

the swap is fairly easy.

Uri_ba's pit

standalone Cougar TQS (Throttle) – Part I

Preface (29 Aug 2020):
I’ve seen  lot of traffic to this specific page from makers and Awesome members of the community finding this specific post and running off doing their own projects. So first of all Kudos to you all!
As this project has been completed so long ago, I find it odd people stuck on this specific post and missed all the fun in later posts which discussed the software side.

If you are only here for the food, the source code for all this project is available on my github For all your inspirational needs 🙂 

If you are interested in the in and outs of my struggle with the throttle. keep on reading! 

A viper pit without a correct throttle is not fun.
however, Cougar is old, annoying and simply not a WH stick. but there is no replacement for the throttle.

in the long run, I want to build a throttle arm, and have the cougar TQS converted to hall sensor. but between here then there, I have a lot to do. so I’ve decided to opt for the much easier interim solution similar to the RS TUSBA (Throttle USB Adapter) – it’s not as classy, well made, and it’s defiantly not R2 (the final throttle will be closer to the R2). but with some basic work, it’s cost less then 35 Euros the TUSBA R1 currently costs.

In this part I’ll cover just the basic adapter PCB (not the software needed to drive it) – that will be in a future post (once I figure it out).