Continuing the Quest for a working FCC controller.
In this post I’ll go over on how the hat switch decided to be the thorn in my ass.
Continuing the Quest for a working FCC controller.
In this post I’ll go over on how the hat switch decided to be the thorn in my ass.
I’ve decided to upgrade my pit and get a Force sensitive mod for my stick. I’m currently using a stock Warthog, and I love it. the grip is fantastic. However, there is only one mod for it, which is the very expensive FSSB-R3 made by RealSimulators. The product seems to be a very good piece of engineering, and is a drop in replacement for the WH, slap the grip on the base and you are done. However, mounting in in a proper stick base is somewhat more problematic. The other Force-sensing mod is the FCC3 by ViperCore.nlΒ it is somewhat cheaper, community proven for years. However, it has a major drawback, it requires the Cougar PCB to work. I have a cougar, but I refuse to use it π (see my TQS controller series).
But a lack of controller never stopped me π So I opted for the FCC3 and started to dig into my Cougar to understand what will be required.
In this post I’ll dive into the grip wiring and bit ordering, and all the other fun things I had to dig into a whole bunch of documents to find.