Uri_ba's pit

Hardware Failure No.1 – PSU trouble

A quick rant… Nothing important here 🙂
After setting up all the screens, including the annoying bungee jumping central console screen. My PC started hanging and crashing.. 🙁

My specs (as of July 2014):
I7-2700K & 8GB RAM
GTX570 – main display
And a Seasonic X-series 560W

The cockpit require a shit load of screens, however my GTX570 only supports two displays, and I needed at least 3 more with ability to expand to more in the future. That requires an additional screen.
I chose the GT750 that supports 4 displays.

But that comes with additional power consumption, which I suspect pushes it over the edge and started crashing..

I’ve bought a new Seasonic Platinum 860w which will be a in-place replacement. I thing that would fix it. but as I hae yet to inspect my PSU properly, I’ll keep it closed so that I can get a refund I my PSU will end up to be just an annoying brat.
yes, Pits are expensive 🙁

— Update (Sep. 9, 2014)
I’ve opened up the case, apperantly my PSU is the X-Series 660W, which makes the whole thing even weirder. I’ve swapped out some cables between the GPUs and it seems that the PC is working again.

— Update (Sep. 11, 2014)
PC failed to boot again, one of the GPUs didn’t get power, some more cable swaping between the two, and it’s working again.
my PSU is still under warranty,  but if I would choose to change GFX sometime in the future, I will need to upgrade the PSU anyway. So I’m keeping the new PSU for now (still have about a week to return it). leaving my 660W for more tests.

— Update (Sep. 14, 2014)
PC hung again while loading falcon. That is it, new PSU has been opened. I’ll install it later this week and Hope for the best

–Update (Sep. 16, 2014)
New PSU is installed and PC was left running overnight.
tonight I’ll connect everything back – and hope for the best 😐

–Update (Sep. 21, 2014)
New PSU works as a charm, had one glitch to to drivers, but they have been upgraded over the weekend. I had to rewire the entire pit because DCS requires the main display (0,0) to be on the top left most monitor – Thank you ED, for making multi-monitor setups so intuitive! :/ but that will be covered in a proper post.

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