Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Weekly update – 2015/2/8

Hi guys,
I’ve missed a few posts due to other commitments,
So a quick update.

  1. I’ve received the connectors needed to jet the JAY-EL connected. I’m still not there, but I’ll get there at some point.
  2. I’ve started working on the ICP, finding the correct way to layout the switches is problematic, and the pots I have won’t fit properly with the panel. I’m still looking for a solution to that.
    HOWEVER, I’ve found 3mm flat top LEDs (that are used in the TM WH for backlighing. I’ll be using them also, as they allow nice spacing with the buttons (they are almost the same height).
  3. More on the ICP, I’m made some progress on interfacing everything. it’s still far from ready, but it will be an upgrade-able system, and will be the base for everything else I’m planning to do in the input department.
    Initial testing of the ICP on the breadboard. 8 buttons and 2 axis

    On the computer side it’s already a 32 button, 4 axis device:

    Initial HID test. shows up as a functioning 4 axis, 32 buttons Joystick.
    Initial HID test.
    shows up as a functioning 4 axis, 32 buttons Joystick.

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