Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Connector App v0.0.0.4 is out

Auto update will kick-in next time you launch the app.

Application now support “auto start” – check the “Advanced tab”.
Context menu added to systray.
DLL was merged into the EXE – no need to have the dll anymore.

still on the TODO list:
allow program to start minimized.

Uri_ba's pit

DEDuino PCB rev.D

Last Month I’ve sourced DEDuino PCB. REV.D for the Main Board and the Indexers out to production (ITEAD studios) . Key Feature of the RevDs is the switch to I2C, and the switch to Shield type form-factor for Supporting Arduino Due. However, I’ve also incorporated Uno and Mega support while at it.

I’ve finally got the boards in the mail and started assembling them.

RevD Boards - Main board, configured for Due and the indexers
RevD Boards – Main board, configured for Due and the indexers

Read more for the rest of the process and features.

Uri_ba's pit

Standalone Cougar TQS (Throttle) – Part III

In the last two posts we worked with the hardware and basic code for debugging. In this post we will go over the basic changes done in the actual code.

Everything is already available in the download page.
You can browse the code and download all the stuff you need (including a pre-compiled Hex, ready to be uploaded to your device – incl. a simple script to help with it for those of you who only want it to work :))

Here is a small clip showing how it looks in windows.

Now let’s dig into some technical stuff (only if you want to) 🙂

Uri_ba's pit

standalone Cougar TQS (Throttle) – Part II

In the last part We’ve went over the hardware side of building the DIY TQS adapter.

In this section we will discuss a bit on the firmware side, and the problems it creates.

Uri_ba's pit

standalone Cougar TQS (Throttle) – Part I

Preface (29 Aug 2020):
I’ve seen  lot of traffic to this specific page from makers and Awesome members of the community finding this specific post and running off doing their own projects. So first of all Kudos to you all!
As this project has been completed so long ago, I find it odd people stuck on this specific post and missed all the fun in later posts which discussed the software side.

If you are only here for the food, the source code for all this project is available on my github For all your inspirational needs 🙂 

If you are interested in the in and outs of my struggle with the throttle. keep on reading! 

A viper pit without a correct throttle is not fun.
however, Cougar is old, annoying and simply not a WH stick. but there is no replacement for the throttle.

in the long run, I want to build a throttle arm, and have the cougar TQS converted to hall sensor. but between here then there, I have a lot to do. so I’ve decided to opt for the much easier interim solution similar to the RS TUSBA (Throttle USB Adapter) – it’s not as classy, well made, and it’s defiantly not R2 (the final throttle will be closer to the R2). but with some basic work, it’s cost less then 35 Euros the TUSBA R1 currently costs.

In this part I’ll cover just the basic adapter PCB (not the software needed to drive it) – that will be in a future post (once I figure it out).

Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Weekly Update – 2015/02/14

Hi guys,
It’s time for the weekly update.

I’ve finally had some time to sit down and check the i2c code.
I’ve started with the indexers, they seem to be working,  which means I was able to finish the new Main board and indexers board, and send it out to ITEAD for production. It should be arriving in a month or so. that will give me some time to manually rewire a new Caution panel control board for I2C.

I’m making good progress on the ICP, I’ve got the Arduino ProMicro code figured out and it’s ready to attached to the switches.

So I’ve started working on hand wiring a PCB for the ICP as well.
it will be a multi-layer board, all hand soldered.
switches and LEDs on the first layer, 2nd layer will be the Pot and the DCS. 3rd layer will consist of all the electronics needed to drive it. I’ll post some progress reports as I will start to actually work on it.

Moon from VP, has tweaked the DED fonts some more, giving us another font variation with a font aspect ratio which is closer to the real thing. it will be added to the next release of DEDuino.

Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

DEDuino connector app update

Hi guys,

following a bug report, I’ve done some changes to the connector app.
apearantly due to a BMS issue, the app does not recognize you have entered the cockpit during ramp start, casing the DED to show “Falcon not ready” message.

I’ve reverted to an old workaround I’ve used in early development, it’s ugly, but it works for now.

I’ve pushed the update, and you should be getting a request to update next time you launch the connector app.

while at it, I’ve found an issue in the self updating routine, which will be addressed at a future update.

sorry for the inconvenience,

Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Weekly update – 2015/2/8

Hi guys,
I’ve missed a few posts due to other commitments,
So a quick update.

  1. I’ve received the connectors needed to jet the JAY-EL connected. I’m still not there, but I’ll get there at some point.
  2. I’ve started working on the ICP, finding the correct way to layout the switches is problematic, and the pots I have won’t fit properly with the panel. I’m still looking for a solution to that.
    HOWEVER, I’ve found 3mm flat top LEDs (that are used in the TM WH for backlighing. I’ll be using them also, as they allow nice spacing with the buttons (they are almost the same height).
  3. More on the ICP, I’m made some progress on interfacing everything. it’s still far from ready, but it will be an upgrade-able system, and will be the base for everything else I’m planning to do in the input department.

    Initial testing of the ICP on the breadboard. 8 buttons and 2 axis

    On the computer side it’s already a 32 button, 4 axis device:

    Initial HID test. shows up as a functioning 4 axis, 32 buttons Joystick.
    Initial HID test.
    shows up as a functioning 4 axis, 32 buttons Joystick.
Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Arduino Due bug and work around

Hi Folks,

Just a quick update, I’ve found a bug that caused the FFI not to work on Arduino Due. The root cause has eluded me, I suspect it’s something to do with the U8GLIB driving the screens. How ever there is a work around for it, I’m thinking about putting up a new version, but the fix is small,

in the DEDuino_arduino.ino line 155 there is a define that calls up the init of the fuelflow display

#ifdef FuelFlow_on

all you need to do is to cut the code and paste it in line 145.
after “initSerial()” and before the DED screen declaration.

That is all 🙂

If you prefer, changes were pushed to the master branch of the project’s github along with the latest u8glib (v1.17)


Uri_ba's pit

DED box – as real as it gets.

I’ve been using a hand built DED box made out of foam board. it was quick to build, and did the job it was intended. holding my DED in place. But then I was pointed towards a post in jSheppard blog, jshep, creator of the PScockpit system, has been using off the shelf plastic box by Hammond, which in a funny coincidence almost exactly in the perfect size to be a DED.

Shep is using the NH 2.8″ LED, I still prefer the ER 2.8″ due to it’s 5V compatibility, but it will not fit into the box due to the PCB side… or will it? (spoiler alert… it does fit ;))

it is a very long post, that will show how to get from this:

Mouser DED box - what you need
Mouser DED box – what you need

To this:

Assembled DED - final test
Assembled DED – final test