Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Connector App v0.0.0.4 is out

Auto update will kick-in next time you launch the app.

Application now support “auto start” – check the “Advanced tab”.
Context menu added to systray.
DLL was merged into the EXE – no need to have the dll anymore.

still on the TODO list:
allow program to start minimized.

Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

DEDuino connector app update

Hi guys,

following a bug report, I’ve done some changes to the connector app.
apearantly due to a BMS issue, the app does not recognize you have entered the cockpit during ramp start, casing the DED to show “Falcon not ready” message.

I’ve reverted to an old workaround I’ve used in early development, it’s ugly, but it works for now.

I’ve pushed the update, and you should be getting a request to update next time you launch the connector app.

while at it, I’ve found an issue in the self updating routine, which will be addressed at a future update.

sorry for the inconvenience,

Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Connector app updated to v0.0.0.2

The connector app has been updated to Once launched the app will ask you to update itself.


Change log:

  • Fixed issue that caused DED to drop chars in certain cases.
  • internal update mechanism changes.
Uri_ba's pit

DEDuino – Working on the connector app

I’ve been working on the connector app today,

I’ve been adding some “behind the scenes” features which are not directly related to the functionality. I’ve also been trying to polish up the UI, making it as simple as possible as I can while keeping it clear to the user. I still have some bug squashing to do and a lot of code documentation to be done. But the app is pretty much ready to roll out.

The DED connector App - Devel Version
The DED connector App – Devel Version