As a person grows into flight sims, his list of toys is getting longer (usually). Personally I’ve started collecting them things back in when I was 6 (circa 1989). My first proper stick I got at the age of 13, a CH FlightStick pro with the CH throttle – I still have them laying around. by 2011 my gaming station looked like this.

this covered the “basics” (or at least for a low budget enthusiest):
X-52 Pro
TM MFD’s on Samsung U70 (USB 7″ screens).
with 20″ main monitor.
upgraded with time, I ended up with this:

TM Warthog
Saitek Combat pedals
TIR4 (same unit)
TM MFD’s (same units)
27″ Main Monitor
18.5″ LCD for displays
But after, after all the tinkering with the DED and Arduino,
I suddenly had to have some more. Armed with a itchy trigger finger and a surprisingly supportive better half (I still have no idea what went through her head) I went ahead with the “must have a pit” plan.