Uri_ba's pit

Some quick debugging tips for DEDuino

After the release of 1.1.3 I’ve learned some more about the limitation of the Project in regards to features with arduino models.

1. You MUST use Arduino IDE 1.5.x as the earlier version (1.0.x) compiles the code differently (which causes some odd annoying bugs.)

2. Arduino Uno has too little memory to handle too many things. Uno is the default for the project, as it is the most common model. it is NOT however the recommended model, the bare minimum is the Arduino Micro (which has 512 bytes of extra memory over the Uno). Due is highly recommended (and the entire project will soon shift towards it – but for now Micro is the Dev board I’m working with).

The biggest flaw with the Uno for now is that the RealFFI mode can only be used on an Uno if the FFI is the only screen active. If you have a DED/PFL enabled, the Uno does not have enough RAM to render the FFI frame correctly. however, because of the displays are using the same display and font enabling both DED and PFL is not a problem. you can even have the FFI enabled in “BMS render” mode without issues.

And as a bonus for hanging on so long some clips of DEDuino around the world! 🙂
From Italy we have “Cool hand”‘s DED box:

"Cool Hand"'s DED box

From Australia (the one with the Kangaroos),
we have “Moon”‘s  prototype with a temporary paper bezel.

And from Korea we have “Mace”

“Mace” initial prototype

And his video can be found on one of his forum Posts

Cheers guys!
And thank you for all the support!

Uri_ba's pit

DEDuino – V1.1.3

I hope this will be the last of the 1.1.X line

in this Version the FFI has come full circle and has been completly overhauled with the help of the community.

It now includes a new display mode dubbed “RealFFI” that renders like the real thing (rather then mimicing the BMS FFI behavior as before). Both version are available, with the Performance advantage on the BMS render mode.

New link for downloads, and it’s here to stay 😉

V1.1.3 “RealFFI”:

A real FFI:



Uri_ba's pit

DEDuino – v1.1.1

Second quick patch for the DEDuino project.

Following input and assistance from “Moon” and “AiRdAncE” the VP community, I’ve been pointed to the real FFI font, “MilSpec 35588“.

I’ve adjusted size and removed unneeded chars to create a new custom FFI font pretty much in the correct size to match a real face plate. Once I have one fabricated, I’ll adjust the font some more – but for now that is good enough IMHO

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As always, the code is available on github .
links are available on the Download Page

Uri_ba's pit

DEDuino – v1.1

First patch for DEDuino.

New features include:

  • a new optional DED font by “Cool hand” (activated by default)
  • A new optional FFI font based on the work of “Moon” (activated by default)
  • New FFI Bezel drawing  – based on the work of “Topper Harly” (activated by default)
  • Connector app bug fixes (Automatically updated)

Thank you guys for making this project even better

Source code and download links are available on the Download Page

Uri_ba's pit

DEDunio Performance Tuning – Arduino Uno

I’ve been getting some PMs on Viperpits from folks interested in some configuration or another. some what the FFI, others DED, FFI and PFL.

So I’ve decided to use the time till the PCBs arrive and test expected performance

I’ve opted to use my Arduino uno as he is the weakest one (the Micro has half a KB more RAM and a self adjusting serial communication, and the due – well, should be different ball game entirely…). If performance would be Acceptable on the Uno, it will be on every other device too.

I was too last night tired to finish the  caution panel (control board wiring is still not done) – so I took the challange and played around with the code – trying to make code changes easier and more coherent and of course fine tune the performance.

This is a step along the way.
Redneck, this one is for you 😉

Uri_ba's pit

Helping out a fellow nut (DED’s first away game)

I’ve been contacted by “MrWell”, a BMS/ViperPits community member, to help him out with the FuelFlow Indicator after seeing my initial posts few weeks ago.

So I took some time to try and optimize the code to arduino Uno (Which I’ve planned on doing anyways) and Help a fellow nut by giving him to test out some experimental code. this is not a “numbered episode” but it’s related 🙂