Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Weekly Update – 28/12/2014

Well, Last update for 2014…
First of all Happy new year to all of you!

And now for the update.. 🙂

  1. I’ve finally sat and finished the design of the new Main board and the all new I2C bus board. I’ll probably get it ready for fabrication during January.
  2. I finally got the shipment I’ve been waiting for from Mauser with the DED boxes (among some other stuff). i’m waiting for some FFC cables to arrive and then I can get it to work. I’ll have a post about it when it’s ready.
  3. I got a shipment of 10 Jay-el switches which are intended to be used for the TWA/TWP. I’ll be modifying them to use LEDs – but that will be on a separate post in the future.
Hammond 1598ABK - soon to be DEDbox
Hammond 1598ABK – soon to be DEDbox

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