Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

DEDuino connector app update

Hi guys,

following a bug report, I’ve done some changes to the connector app.
apearantly due to a BMS issue, the app does not recognize you have entered the cockpit during ramp start, casing the DED to show “Falcon not ready” message.

I’ve reverted to an old workaround I’ve used in early development, it’s ugly, but it works for now.

I’ve pushed the update, and you should be getting a request to update next time you launch the connector app.

while at it, I’ve found an issue in the self updating routine, which will be addressed at a future update.

sorry for the inconvenience,

Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Weekly update – 2015/2/8

Hi guys,
I’ve missed a few posts due to other commitments,
So a quick update.

  1. I’ve received the connectors needed to jet the JAY-EL connected. I’m still not there, but I’ll get there at some point.
  2. I’ve started working on the ICP, finding the correct way to layout the switches is problematic, and the pots I have won’t fit properly with the panel. I’m still looking for a solution to that.
    HOWEVER, I’ve found 3mm flat top LEDs (that are used in the TM WH for backlighing. I’ll be using them also, as they allow nice spacing with the buttons (they are almost the same height).
  3. More on the ICP, I’m made some progress on interfacing everything. it’s still far from ready, but it will be an upgrade-able system, and will be the base for everything else I’m planning to do in the input department.
    Initial testing of the ICP on the breadboard. 8 buttons and 2 axis

    On the computer side it’s already a 32 button, 4 axis device:

    Initial HID test. shows up as a functioning 4 axis, 32 buttons Joystick.
    Initial HID test.
    shows up as a functioning 4 axis, 32 buttons Joystick.
Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Arduino Due bug and work around

Hi Folks,

Just a quick update, I’ve found a bug that caused the FFI not to work on Arduino Due. The root cause has eluded me, I suspect it’s something to do with the U8GLIB driving the screens. How ever there is a work around for it, I’m thinking about putting up a new version, but the fix is small,

in the DEDuino_arduino.ino line 155 there is a define that calls up the init of the fuelflow display

#ifdef FuelFlow_on

all you need to do is to cut the code and paste it in line 145.
after “initSerial()” and before the DED screen declaration.

That is all 🙂

If you prefer, changes were pushed to the master branch of the project’s github along with the latest u8glib (v1.17)


Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Weekly Update – 2015/1/5

Hi guys,
there is no update for this week as real-life got in the way.

however, I hopefully do some testing on the DED box and with my Jay-Els as I’ve recived the LEDs if ordered for them (short throw LEDs – should be wide angle compared to the 15 degrees of the simple LEDs)

Happy new year everyone! 🙂

Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Weekly Update – 28/12/2014

Well, Last update for 2014…
First of all Happy new year to all of you!

And now for the update.. 🙂

Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

weekly update – 2014/12/20

I’ve decided to try a new format for updates, instead of trying to cram things into a post, I’ll have a weekly post about things that I’ve done during the previous week.

It will not replace the “real posts” about a specific component or a concept, but rather for smaller stuff that do not require a post of their own.

Uri_ba's pit Weekly Updates

Connector app updated to v0.0.0.2

The connector app has been updated to Once launched the app will ask you to update itself.


Change log:

  • Fixed issue that caused DED to drop chars in certain cases.
  • internal update mechanism changes.